I need to add a child to my booking

If you're expecting a baby or need to add an infant to your booking, here's what you need to know:

If you're pregnant at time of booking.
If you're pregnant at time of booking and haven't chosen a name for your child yet, you can enter "TBA" (To Be Announced) as the child's name during the booking process.

After completing the booking, if you need to change the child's name, you can follow the instructions provided in our article on how to change names. 
If you informed us about the pregnancy and the need to add an infant at the time of booking, there won't be any charges for adding the infant to your reservation.

If you're pregnant after time of booking.
If you find out about your pregnancy after making the booking, you can simply add a passenger to the reservation to include the infant. Charges will apply for adding the additional passenger.  You can follow the instructions provided in our article on how to add a passenger.